Man guilty of letting daughter watch porn

A Gardnerville man has admitted that he didn’t stop his 8-year-old daughter from viewing pornographic movies he was watching on his computer.

Mission: Kill Lake Tahoe clams

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — Scuba-diving scientists are unrolling long rubber mats across the bottom of Lake Tahoe coves in an attempt to quell a clam invasion that could cloud the world-reknown cobalt waters.




When Southern Nevada has storms, they can be both sudden and violent. Common characteristics of summer thunderstorms include high winds, lightning and heavy rain that create significant danger for boaters.


Here is a listing of events designed for book lovers. Information is subject to change or cancellation without notice. Additions or changes to this listing must be submitted at least 10 days in advance of Sunday publication to Bookmark, Las Vegas Review-Journal, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125. For more information, call 383-0306.

Color will pop during Springs Preserve tour

There seems to be a common thread developing with these monthly plant tours and sales at the Springs Preserve and it’s color.


Hoopla Over Hoops

Just because something is kids’ play doesn’t mean it’s easy.


Some of the largest conventions scheduled for the Las Vegas area:

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