Gold provides glint of hope during economic downturn

As dark as the economic news has been lately, with jobless benefits claims rising and unemployment lingering, some investors see shine cutting through. It’s from gold.

Rivals’ reunion raises stakes

Sixteen years later, the key plays remain vividly memorable for Rodney Mazion:

In Brief



■ Little League World Series, opening round, Fairfield, Conn., vs. Auburn, Wash., 10 a.m., ESPN (30)

Mountain West-raided WAC too bloodied to fight

ELY — UNLV continues its football camp in this small town of the Steptoe Valley, shuttling from hotels to afternoon drills to the next command of new coach Bobby Hauck, all the while its conference is intimately involved with the saga that is conference expansion.

Las Vegas man admits lying to receive Purple Heart, disability benefits

A Las Vegas man who admitted he lied to obtain a Purple Heart used the medal and phony paperwork to steal $180,000 in benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs where he worked as a clerk, according to federal court documents.

Escapee, fiancee back in custody

PHOENIX — An escaped state prison inmate and his fiancee who were targets of a nationwide manhunt have been captured at an Arizona campground after an alert forest ranger spotted a stolen vehicle hidden in the trees, officials said.



Idol maintains ‘hope about life’

I asked Billy Idol to tell me his ultimate advice on life. He says: Try to get into a line of work that feels like a hobby.

In Brief

Sales of condominiums at CityCenter’s three residential projects have reached 329 units through mid-August, figures tracked by financial adviser Union Gaming Group show.

Chambers grabs top local talent

In football, UNLV enjoyed almost instant success recruiting local talent after coach Bobby Hauck was hired in December.

Motor Sports Schedule

THE RACE: Irwin Tools Night Race; Bristol (Tenn.) Motor Speedway; 500 laps of 0.533-mile oval. WHEN: 4:30 p.m. Saturday; ESPN (30), KDOX-AM (1280)

Targeting breakout rushers pivotal

Every year as NFL fantasy drafts near, the biggest dilemma every owner has centers on running backs. The backs are the most eagerly sought after position and can be the foundation for any successful team.

In Brief


Man gets maximum term

Tension was high in the courtroom of District Judge Valerie Adair on Thursday during a sentencing hearing for Jarrel Young. The North Las Vegas man’s relatives filled one side of the courtroom and family members of the man he shot to death June 12, 2009, filled the other.

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