Officer shoots, wounds teen after traffic stop

A Las Vegas police officer shot and wounded a 17-year-old driver after he backed into the officer’s motorcycle during a routine traffic stop in the southwest valley Monday afternoon, a department official said.

Report: Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn has cancer

Tony Gwynn says he has cancer in a salivary gland. He said the cancer was discovered last month and he faces seven to eight weeks of treatment – radiation five times a week and chemotherapy once a week. Gwynn said he was concerned the cancer could be linked to his career-long practice of using chewing tobacco.

Furious China blocks visit to Nobel winner’s wife

BEIJING — China on Monday blocked European officials from meeting with the wife of the jailed Nobel Peace Prize winner, cut off her phone communication and canceled meetings with Norwegian officials – acting on its fury over the award. As China retaliated, U.N. human rights experts called on Beijing to free imprisoned democracy campaigner Liu Xiaobo, who was permitted a brief, tearful meeting with his wife Sunday. Liu, 54-year-old literary critic, is serving an 11-year prison term for inciting subversion.

Report: College dropouts cost taxpayers billions

Dropping out of college after a year can mean lost time, burdensome debt and an uncertain future for students. Now there’s an estimate of what it costs taxpayers. And it runs in the billions. States appropriated almost $6.2 billion for four-year colleges and universities between 2003 and 2008 to help pay for the education of students who did not return for year two, a report released Monday says.