New-home prices fall to levels of 10 years ago

Facing increased competition from foreclosures and short sales, Las Vegas homebuilders have not only had to cut production, but keep prices around $100 a square foot, the standard from about 10 years ago.

On TV/Radio


‘Fifth Down Game’ still worth recounting

When it comes to the number 5 and its derivatives, you can take five or gimme five. You can high-five or low-five. After all, 5 is the third prime number and the atomic number of boron.

In Brief

The Chicago Bulls are keeping Joakim Noah around for a while. Getting the forward to play with Carlos Boozer, however, will take a little bit longer than expected.

Appeal on jurisdiction of Family Court argued

A jurisdictional battle heard by the Nevada Supreme Court on Monday could affect a multitude of cases in Clark County Family Court.

In Brief

Harry Reid’s expensive jobs shell game

To the editor: Perhaps I’m missing some significant detail regarding the federal COPS grant (“$5.3 million saves police jobs,” Friday Review-Journal).

Firefighter unions criticize EMT service

Southern Nevada firefighters took aim at a private ambulance service Monday, saying they wanted to “sound the alarm” over the services provided under contract to Clark County, Las Vegas and North Las Vegas residents.