A confident look starts with your smile

Whether it’s hitting the gym or heading to the salon, many people are looking for ways to get the right look as the warmer and more active months approach. But looking good is more about confidence than anything else. One of the best places to start building your confidence is your smile, but for denture wearers, finding this confidence can sometimes be a problem.

Small-business success secrets

Starting a new business is always exciting – and daunting at the same time. And while the scales may seem more heavily tipped toward daunting in the current economy, many experts agree now is a great time to turn your great idea, faith and courage into a new business.

Grilled cheese grows up

Think your tastebuds have outgrown the grilled cheese sandwich? Think again. This childhood favorite has evolved into something quite sophisticated.

Flower power: Starting a stunning garden from seeds

Every year, more gardeners discover that starting their own plants from flower seeds is not only extremely economical, but satisfying and easier than they thought.