Identity sought for city’s center

Would downtown Las Vegas be a bigger draw if you could meet your friends in Dixieland or hang out in front of the New York Stock Exchange?



In Brief

UNLV sophomore Blake Biddle and Las Vegas’ John Hahn lost in the round of 16 Friday at the U.S. Amateur Championship in Erin, Wis.

Documentary about Nevada troops at war gets multiple awards

When Tyler Elliott arrived in Afghanistan, he found out fast that his documentary project on 14 Nevada National Guard soldiers would be much more than filming them “guarding dirt and looking for ghosts,” as one described it while sitting bored with his rifle on a barren ridge.

Retroactive rules aimed at Dotty’s are anti-business, anti-woman

“Sometimes, no sex sells,” Patty Becker informed the all-male Nevada Gaming Commission during a feisty but failed attempt to block a regulation change that slams Dotty’s taverns where it hurts — in the pocketbook.

Flights canceled as Irene moves up East Coast

Hundreds of thousands of airline passengers will be grounded this weekend as Hurricane Irene sweeps up the East Coast, past some of the nation’s busiest airports.


The Chancel Choir of First Presbyterian Church of Las Vegas and the Desert Chorale will present Gabriel Faure’s “Requiem” at 3 p.m. Sept. 11 in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of 9/11. The church is at 1515 W. Charleston Blvd. A freewill offering will be accepted (384-4554).