Two arrested in connection with marijuana grow house

Las Vegas police looking for a fugitive downtown stumbled upon a grow house of 29 marijuana plants Friday morning on Carson Avenue near 17th Street.

Vermillion’s spending record as Henderson councilwoman scrutinized

As a Henderson City Councilwoman, Kathleen Vermillion gave thousands of dollars in taxpayer money to local charities through a discretionary fund meant for programs and services to benefit the community.

Report lauds Nevada’s foreclosure mediation program

A Justice Department report released last month praises the Nevada Foreclosure Mediation Program, saying it provides a road map for other states to follow in addressing the continuing fallout from the housing crisis.

Judge denies bid to block Nevada mustang roundups

A federal judge in Nevada who handed horse protection advocates a rare victory last fall has rejected their latest request to block government roundups of free-roaming mustangs in the West, saying they’ll have to go to Congress if they think the animals are being treated inhumanely and need more protection.

Family organizes search for hiker in Red Rock Canyon

Family members are organizing a mass search in the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area near Las Vegas for a missing 46-year-old man who was last seen more than a week ago.

Sisolak received warning in meeting with Vermillion’s reps

At a weekend meeting that County Commissioner Steve Sisolak has called a “shake down,” representatives of his ex-girlfriend told him accusations of an improper relationship with her teenage daughter was “the stuff that ends political careers,” according to an account of the meeting.

Candidate for Kingman city council dies at 25

KINGMAN, Ariz. — Brett Hale, who was seeking to become the youngest city council member in Kingman history, has died at the age of 25.

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