Want to get 200K miles out of your car? Tips to help

The average driver today estimates that a vehicle should go for more than 200,000 miles before sending it into retirement, according to a new national survey. Even though some cars might not run as well as they used to once they reach 75,000 miles, car owners do not begin to consider their vehicle “old” until it hits the 147,000 mile mark. The reality: It’s never too early to take the extra steps to promote long vehicle life.

Five summer sanity strategies

Summer is supposed to be a break from stress, but for most families this is not the case. The end of the school year can be a major disruption to the rhythm of family life. Instead of relaxing, parents are stuck coordinating carpools, planning play dates, and searching for much-needed care. Many wonder if they will survive the summer mayhem. Stop worrying and start relaxing. There are many ways make the transition from school year to summer seamless. Follow these five steps to a stress-free summer.

Professional grilling tips for the perfect backyard barbecue

Grilling season has arrived. The unique flavors of sizzling meat on a hot grill are loved by Americans young and old. Whether you’re an enthusiastic foodie or a simple family chef, it’s time to get outside and perfect the art of the barbecue. If you’re new to grilling, it’s easy to make some wrong turns. No one wants to end up with dried out chicken, burnt steak or flavorless ribs. When you’re cooking, keep in mind a few tips from the pros.

Digital cameras: creating masterpieces with each click

With warm weather luring us outside for fun outdoor activities, using a digital camera ensures timeless memories with family and friends are captured in a snap. Even with increased smartphone usage, – a recent Consumer Electronics Association report stated that 43 percent of consumers have used a smartphone in the past year to capture images – digital cameras remain the most common devices for capturing photos, with 73 percent having used a digital camera over the same time period. There are many reasons why a dedicated digital camera captures the best photos.

Know kids who give back to the community? How to recognize their contribution

Did you ever read “Horton Hears a Who” or “The Giving Tree” to your children and wonder if they really absorbed the messages of activism, selflessness and giving those beloved children’s favorites preach so gently and creatively? The success of “Kids Who Give,” an on-going contest that recognizes volunteerism by children 7 to 17 would seem to indicate kids are getting the message – and acting on it.

Family-Friendly Rentals

What makes a comfortable, functional family home?

Sold … But Taxed?

I read an article that stated the Health Bill includes a provision whereby, after 2012, a 3.8-percent sales tax will be imposed on the sale of all houses. Any truth to this?

More IRAs Housing Homes

If not at bottom, real estate is certainly beaten down, and a small but growing number of individuals are betting that buying a property now and keeping it tucked within an individual retirement account will yield gains for their future retirement.