The shortcut generation

As modern society strives toward the so-called “progressive” version of nirvana – every perceived wrong made right, every bruise healed and every hurt feeling soothed – future citizens risk losing pieces of the heritage that makes America great.

Dissecting the debate

The first debate in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race is in the books, and it wasn’t exactly Lincoln-Douglas. In fact, it wasn’t much of anything beyond a live-action political ad mercilessly drawn out over an hour.

An all-out rager with bounce potential? These kids know how to party

Have you ever witnessed an otherwise respectable, totally sober person fall to his or her knees and beg for a kiss? Have you ever watched the object of his or her affection not only deny the kiss, but wildly run from it like the pleading pucker was moisturized in napalm?

Book signings and events, Sept. 30-Oct. 6

Here is a listing of events designed for book lovers. Information is subject to change or cancellation without notice. Additions or changes to this listing must be submitted at least 10 days in advance of Sunday publication to Bookmark, Las Vegas Review-Journal, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125. For more information, call 383-0306.

Veteran wrestler pursues dream of world championship

At 3 in the morning, Randy Cadiz could be any number of places. Knocking down the last couple of hours of a graveyard security guard shift. Doing “suicide” sprints at a local gym or maybe driving several hours to meet a workout partner for a wrestling match.

Global Gaming Expo will focus on improved machines, Internet play

It wasn’t enough that slot machines with the likenesses of Judge Judy, Spider-Man, Dolly Parton, top NASCAR drivers, and the Oompa Loompas will be unveiled at this week’s Global Gaming Expo.