RG3 can’t make up for lackluster day

On paper, it shaped up as a brown-suit, brown-shoe Sunday. Few of the matchups appeared exciting. One exception featured Robert Griffin III, the flashy rookie quarterback who nearly rallied the Washington Redskins to a giant upset.

Health Q&A: Breastfeeding

Q Will breastfeeding make a big difference in my child’s health?

Las Vegas Philharmonic Orchestra starts season on joyful note

The Las Vegas Philharmonic Orchestra launched its 2012-13 season under guest conductor Andrew Grams, the first of nine guests scheduled to take the baton this season. Each is auditioning for the post of music director following the announced departure of David Itkin last spring. Among Grams’ several conducting posts, perhaps the most prestigious is three years as assistant to – and protégé of – Franz Welser-Most, the celebrated music director of the Cleveland Orchestra.

2012 Voter Guide: Clark County Question 2 (Schools)

Ballot Question No. 2 asks voters for a six-year property tax rate increase to fund renovations and improvements at aging Clark County schools.

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