Henderson police name teen son as suspect in fatal stabbings of mother, brother

The Clark County coroner’s office has identified a Henderson woman and her son found dead in their apartment last week as Elvira Canales-Gomez, 40, and her son Cesar Navarro, 9. Navarro’s 16-year-old brother, Adrian Navarro-Canales, has been missing since Friday.

Disney changing line-jumping program for disabled

People with disabilities will no longer go straight to the front of lines at Disneyland and Walt Disney World after growing abuse of the system, park officials said.

‘Flat Out’ is slice of reality for young racer

I am not a fan of reality television. Except, maybe, for the evening news. With that said, there’s much to like in “Flat Out,” the new AOL docu-series that focuses on Dylan Kwasniewski, the 18-year-old NASCAR phenom from Las Vegas who recently moved to the Charlotte, N.C., suburbs to accelerate his career.

Bill offers grants to fight drought

WASHINGTON — With concerns mounting over extreme weather, a new bill in the U.S. Senate would offer grants for cities to upgrade their water systems.

PHOTO: Western Hotel No More

Workers demolished a hotel room wing of the former Western hotel-casino Monday in downtown Las Vegas.

Provident Trust acquires $1.45 billion in IRA assets

Provident Trust Group has acquired more than $1.45 billion in self-directed IRA assets from Guidant Financial, which held the rights to more than 9,000 self-directed retirement accounts.

Playboy sign draws attention to illegal Prada highway art

The Prada Marfa art installation has stood alone in the West Texas plains for eight years, its high-end Italian fashion goods available to no one.

Justice Center’s chief judge steers through rocky course

When asked about her varied duties down at the Regional Justice Center, Clark County District Court Chief Judge Jennifer Togliatti manages to laugh a little.

Whooping cough cases increase in Nevada

With three months left in 2013, the Southern Nevada Health District reports there have already been 19 more cases of potentially fatal whooping cough, or pertussis, in Southern Nevada than the 83 experienced all of last year.

What you don’t know about your garage door technician could cost you big bucks

Your garage door spring is broken, and you’re stuck in your garage. You need immediate service, so you do a quick online search and call the first name that pops up. Later, you learn that you paid $800 for unnecessary parts and ridiculous fees, when your local garage door dealer would’ve fixed your problem for $180. Here’s how to spot a reputable garage door service.

Cozy up to energy savings with insulation

With temperatures dropping, odds are your energy bills will be doing just the opposite. In fact, heating (and cooling) account for approximately 54 percent of the energy use in a typical U.S. home, according to the Department of Energy, representing the largest energy expense for most homeowners. One of the most effective ways to manage a home’s climate, comfort and energy costs is by ensuring that it is properly insulated.

Three easy tips to create a more natural bedroom

The formerly “fringe” back-to-nature movement has become mainstream in America and nowhere is the desire for a more natural approach to living more prevalent than in our homes. From organically grown fruits and vegetables to VOC-free paint choices, the trend is toward fewer additives, synthetics and chemicals.

Dark chocolate: the new dessert

If you are looking for a treat to complement your next meal, consider dark chocolate. A little goes a long way, making it the perfect choice to fit a balanced lifestyle.

Actress Rose McGowan is on a personal mission to raise awareness of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Actress Rose McGowan, best known for her leading role in the TV series, Charmed, is sharing her story in a new leading role: raising awareness for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, or IPF. After her father was diagnosed with IPF, she became determined to honor his memory by bringing attention to this widely unheard of lung disease.

Safeguarding your business when you become a victim of identity theft

Anti-lock brakes and driver assist systems aim to help motorists avoid an accident, and when one occurs, a host of safety features, like airbags, activate to help minimize injury to the vehicle’s occupants. Cybersecurity for businesses functions much like those assist systems in your car, working to prevent a security breach of sensitive identifying data.