Faith Hill named ‘most influential’

Dear Britney Spears, I apologize for messing with your day, but a survey says Americans find you less appealing than Mike Tyson.

Survivalists hanker to hunker in bunkers

In the backyard of his remote Southern California home, Bernie Jones is etching an unconventional blueprint: a construction plan to build his underground survival shelter. It won’t be the typical cramped Cold War-era bunker. It will hold 20 people.

Officials press case for attack on Syria

The White House asserted Sunday that a “common-sense test” dictates the Syrian government is responsible for a chemical weapons attack that President Barack Obama says demands a U.S. military response.

To keep your options open, decline promotions tactfully

When an employer offers you a promotion you decide against, you could just walk away. Don’t. This situation presents an opportunity for you to keep doors open for other opportunities in the same company or industry.

On the Move, Sept. 9

Announcements of new hires, promotions and professional awards. Want to see your accomplishment here? Send your information to

Executive Calendar, Sept. 9

A weekly listing of events put on by professional organizations, educational groups and local chambers of commerce.

Time and Place, Sept. 9

A list of weekly networking events around the Las Vegas Valley. Want to see a meeting here? Send your information to

For the Record, Sept. 9

A listing of business bankruptcies, real estate lease transactions and new business licenses in Clark County.

Get a good education with handstand pushups

If you’ve read even this far, congratulations. You didn’t abandon today’s column just because the exercises appeared too complex in the pictures. Many advanced exercises have a number of smaller technique gems built into them.

Think ahead to prevent falls

It was 2005 and retired Gen. Paul Tibbets, who led the A-bomb mission on Hiroshima, sat in the living room of his Ohio home and spoke about the role the Wendover airfield on the Nevada-Utah border played in the planning of the first use of the atomic bomb.

Heck among House’s biggest mail spenders

Rep. Joe Heck ranked among the top spenders on mass mailings during the last House term, according to a new analysis of how lawmakers use their free mail privileges.

Nevada DMV issues specialty license plate to honor rural airports

Having trouble identifying all the specialty license plates you see on cars? It just got harder last week when the Department of Motor Vehicles announced it has manufactured a plate to honor rural Nevada airports.

Megafight promoters add layers of intrigue

It never was about one big fight — even though it easily could have been, and few would have complained.

Kids plunge to ground on Connecticut fair ride; 13 hurt

Thirteen children were injured when a festival attraction that swings riders into the air lost power at a community fair in Connecticut on Sunday afternoon but none of the injuries appeared to be life-threatening, authorities said.

Fan falls, dies at 49ers-Packers game in SF

A football fan fell from an elevated pedestrian walkway and died at San Francisco’s Candlestick Park during the 49ers-Green Bay Packers game.

Williams beats Azarenka for 5th US Open, 17th Slam

Fussing with her skirt and flubbing her shots, Serena Williams was troubled in the U.S. Open final by the swirling air and the strong play of Victoria Azarenka.

Now not time to preserve reserve: Metro should pony up full $30 million

Ask yourself this question: If the Clark County School District were facing a $30 million budget deficit and had $137 million sitting in a reserve account, would elected officials spend months debating a tax increase, or would they tap the savings?

‘Riddick’ illuminates box office with $18.7M debut

The sci-fi thriller starring Vin Diesel as an intergalactic criminal with built-in night vision debuted in first place with $18.7 million, according to studio estimates Sunday. “Riddick” is the third installment in the series, following the $11.6 million debut of 2000’s “Pitch Black” and the $24.3 million launch of 2004’s “The Chronicles of Riddick.”

Doubleheader puts Langer’s voice to test

It was 6:30 a.m. when the alarm on the clock on Russ Langer’s nightstand went off Saturday. It went off a half-hour earlier than usual. On a normal day, Langer rises at 7.

Tax time for organized labor?

I’m just writing to ask if you’re really sure about waiting until well into next year to decide whether you’re going to support The Education Initiative, the 2 percent margins tax proposed by the state teachers union.

What has mayor been smoking?

Marijuana makes politicians do some pretty dope things. Clinging to the principles of Prohibition, imprisoning nonviolent Americans and making cancer patients suffer unnecessarily come to mind.

Nyad’s team responds to skeptics doubting her swim

Diana Nyad’s 110-mile swim from Cuba to Florida has generated positive publicity and adoration for the 64-year-old endurance athlete — along with skepticism from some members of the small community of marathon swimmers who are questioning whether she accomplished the feat honestly.