LEFTOVERS: Jets’ Ryan motivates with fist

In an effort to inspire his team, Jets coach Rex Ryan once threatened to punch Patriots coach Bill Belichick before a game between New York and New England.

Fishing Report, Sept. 12, 2013

■ LAKE MEAD — With the U.S. Open bass tournament taking place this week, anglers encountered a few extra boats on the water along with periodic thunderstorms. Launching out of Callville Bay, participating anglers reportedly found some “brutal” fishing conditions, but still managed to catch plenty of smaller bass. Many were using a drop shot technique or throwing crankbaits. Despite the difficult fishing and rough weather at times, anglers managed to catch some larger fish as well. Action for striped bass has been consistent in the past weeks, with jigging and top-water techniques catching fish.

Lead ammo ban would prove disastrous

Hold on to your hats, folks. Our western neighbor is about to step off the political and fiscal cliff, and no doubt there are some people who hope Nevada follows suit. If that happens, the state’s hunters and recreational shooters could end up paying much more for their hunting ammunition, but only if they can find enough to meet their needs, and if they can afford to buy it once they find it.

Time for a game of ‘Name that Genre’

Even someone as brilliant as yourself can get even more brilliant-er. With this in mind, I thought I’d provide a handy glossary of terms often used in these parts to further sharpen your musical vocabulary.

LOCALS ONLY: Timberlake plans red carpet turn

If you can’t wait to show your appreciation until Justin Timberlake’s concerts Nov. 29 and 30 at the MGM Grand, or even his set next weekend during the iHeartRadio music festival, you can see him Wednesday at the premiere of his upcoming movie “Runner, Runner.”

‘Dancing Queen’ strives for ‘bigger, sexier’ show at Planet Hollywood

Twenty dancers burn their way through the title song of “Dancing Queen,” proving the British producer has not made a shallow promise to deliver “a huge amount of energy” in a “bigger, glitzier, sexier” version than the dance revue’s first incarnation on the Strip.

Ms. Senior Nevada: That’s what makes you beautiful

“It’s not the years in your life, it’s the life in your years,” said Sue Simecka, a contestant in the Ms. Senior Nevada Pageant

Hauck seeks 50-50 balance between passing, running

UNLV coach Bobby Hauck prefers a balanced offense, and even when his football team quickly fell behind by 17 points Saturday against Arizona, he tried to maintain a commitment to the running game.

Deal set to lift Holsum Lofts from bankruptcy

The owner of the Holsum Lofts, an early downtown redevelopment project, said he has lined up the financing to pull the project out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Streak of 70-plus temperatures ends in Las Vegas Valley

The Las Vegas valley’s streak of 106 consecutive days of 70-degree temperatures or higher came to an end Wednesday morning. The temperature finally dropped to 69 degrees at McCarran International Airport.

Clark County School District anticipates record enrollment

Although the state has yet to take an official count, the Clark County School District anticipates having record-high enrollments that will tax their crowded schools.

Vietnam veteran still fighting, this time for VA’s PTSD support group

Alexander Nogales still fights the Vietnam War, not with his Marine buddies along the border with Laos but in Southern Nevada where he’s battling the Department of Veterans Affairs over its plan to cancel his support group for post-traumatic stress disorder.

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