I-215 road work near airport to cause delays

If you use the airport connector on Interstate 215, you might want to find a new way to work for the next couple of weeks.

Reid bemoans possible demise of Las Vegas Sun

U.S. Sen. Harry Reid last week bemoaned the possible demise of the Las Vegas Sun newspaper, whose publisher is fighting for its life in federal court.

Now any man can be the king of the castle

The popular saying “a man’s home is his castle” still holds true today. Men across the nation are investing their time, sweat and labor into do-it-yourself projects to make their homes the best fortresses they can be.

Six steps to protect your vehicle and yourself this winter

Winter is quickly approaching and now is the perfect time to prepare your vehicle for the upcoming harsh driving conditions. Taking the time to prepare and protect your vehicles now, will save you significant time, money and hassle later. Here are a few tips for vehicle winterization and cold weather driving to ensure safe travels this season.