What child is this? Girl found in Greek gypsy camp

The Greek police raided the camp in search of drugs and weapons, part of a crackdown on illegal activity in the Gypsy community. But during the operation, an accompanying prosecutor noticed something else that stood out: a blond, blue-eyed little girl.

Newtown victim’s mom said he shouted for classmates to run

A 6-year-old boy killed in the massacre in Sandy Hook Elementary School shouted for his classmates to run while the gunman paused to reload and was shot moments later, the boy’s mother said Friday.

Vikings are tonic for Eli, winless Giants

While all eyes are focused on his big brother this weekend, Eli Manning is staring down a big game of his own. The New York Giants are winless, and no team wants to wear that black eye into late October.

Wranglers hope balance, toughness spur success

Skill wasn’t enough for the Wranglers to overcome will last season, when Las Vegas lost in the first round of the playoffs for the third time in four years to eventual ECHL Western Conference champion Stockton.

Rivers starting fresh

Doc Rivers saw what was going on in Boston, and he didn’t want to be part of a rebuilding project. So after nine years of coaching the Celtics and winning an NBA title in 2008, he knew it was time to move on.

Hollande: Expelled 15-year-old can return alone

Under fire from the far left and members of his own party, Socialist President Francois Hollande said Saturday that a 15-year-old girl who was detained in front of her classmates and expelled can return to France. But the rest of the family cannot come with her.

Video of Dallas police shooting mentally ill man prompts probe

Surveillance video showing a Dallas police officer shooting a mentally ill man standing still about 20 feet away contradicts the assertion of an officer that the man threatened his safety by lunging at him with a knife.

Missouri rape victim writes 1st-person account for magazine

The Missouri teen who says she was raped by an older boy at her high school and left passed out on her porch wrote in an online woman’s magazine that the incident sent her into a spiral and she twice tried to commit suicide.

Waitress pays soldiers’ tab, receives $10K from Ellen

A New Hampshire waitress who picked up the lunch tab of two National Guard soldiers affected by the federal government’s shutdown has been repaid — more than 300 times over — by television star Ellen DeGeneres.

Heavyweights Velasquez, Dos Santos set to settle score

Former Ultimate Fighting Championship heavyweight champion Junior dos Santos could be forgiven if he did everything possible to forget the five-round beating he took from Cain Velasquez in losing the belt in December.

Caesars withdraws proposal to build Boston hotel-casino

Caesars Entertainment Corp. withdrew late Friday from a proposal to build a $1 billion hotel-casino in Boston after questions about the company’s suitability were raised by Massachusetts regulators.

Wynn gives $25 million for blindness research

Las Vegas casino tycoon Steve Wynn said Friday that he gave $25 million to support blindness research at the University of Iowa after becoming convinced that its scientists were leading the way in the search for a cure.

Porn company not all about sex films

Another porn company has set up shop in Vegas, and this one comes with Generation Y porn icons James Deen and his girlfriend Stoya.

Simpson keeps mind on work, soars to four-shot Shriners lead

Webb Simpson took full advantage of the superb conditions at TPC Summerlin and found himself atop the leaderboard midway through the Shriners Hospitals for Children Open.

Wounded veterans train to help fight sex crimes

Las Vegas won’t be Iraq or Afghanistan for Kevin Leduc, but it will give the Army veteran the opportunity to continue to serve his country.

Wrong team favored

This script has been written many times, but taking advantage of it never gets old. That is, Florida State pulling its annual routine of blowout wins over cupcake opponents in September, only to get exposed in the meat of the schedule.

Five lawn care tips and projects to complete before winter

With the autumn season in full swing, there’s no better time to watch leaves change colors, enjoy a hayride with family and friends, and indulge in a cup of hot apple cider. But, did you know it’s also the perfect time to prepare your backyard for winter?

Home improvement tricks to avoid the winter blues

Many triggers can affect our moods. From sights to sounds to smells – it’s a sensory experience that we don’t seem to have much control over. Or so we used to think. But with more research being done on exactly how these elements might affect our stress or happiness levels, we now have better insight on how to enhance our mood. This is good news for those looking to make home improvements.

Easy-to-update items to make your new home yours

This year more than 5.4 million homes were sold by the end of August, according to the National Association of Realtors. Are you one of these millions of new homeowners? If so, you’ve most likely felt the urge to settle in immediately. However, before making any major renovations, it’s a good idea to live in a new home a while to see how the space is meeting your needs. Here are a few swift swaps that will have a big impact in making that new house feel like home sweet home.

Fun home entertainment gifts for less than $100

What do most people want for the holidays? Technology and home entertainment gifts are highly sought after, meaning gift-givers have plenty of opportunities to get an impressive present. If you think you need to spend a lot to get a great gift, think again. There are many great options for less than $100.

Stressed by social obligations? Tips for an easier holiday season

The holiday season is filled with gatherings of friends and family. As invitations to different holiday events begin to flood your calendar, one of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to attend everything.

Find the perfect gift for the music lover on your list

While most people truly enjoy the holiday season, it can also bring a considerable amount of stress. One commonly reported cause of holiday stress is shopping for gifts.

Your go-to guide for elevator and escalator safety during the holidays

November and December are arguably the busiest months of the year for traveling and shopping. Millions of people descend on the nation’s airports and shopping centers looking to create that perfect holiday memory. With all the excitement surrounding this time of year, the last thing Americans should worry about is escalator and elevator safety while navigating through the crowds. But while you may be more focused on your holiday to-do’s, you need to remember some important safety tips about the elevators and escalators you are using.