Paiute prophet Wovoka preached about peace

Americans today remember the Paiute holy man Wovoka, the most famous Nevada Indian, for all the wrong reasons.

New Pro Football Hall of Fame head has ties to Henderson

David Baker, a partner in the Union Village development in Henderson, has been named president and executive director of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

PHOTO: While the party goes on

The party kept going in Las Vegas after the ringing in of the new year, and the cleanup from New Year’s Eve celebrations began right away.

What is the generation gap on credit?

Whether you’re wrapping up end-of-year paperwork, getting ready to create your 2014 budget, or preparing for tax season, something about this time of year inspires financial introspection. While you’re evaluating your own financial well-being – including your credit status – it may be helpful to know how other Americans are doing.

How to find rebates for energy-efficient home improvements

Home improvements that increase energy efficiency are appealing on many levels, from saving you money on heating and cooling costs to the confidence you get from knowing you’re doing something good for the environment. They’re even better when you can get some money back from the initial investment of making those improvements. Here are some ways to find rebates.

Resolve to reduce waste this year

Americans produce 25 percent more household waste during the holiday season – that’s an extra 1.2 million tons of trash per week from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. Here are some simple resolutions for the new year that can help you to do more with less waste.

New year, new holistic skincare routine

The new year is an ideal time to set goals surrounding personal health, fitness and wellness. As many goal-setters know, setting realistic resolutions that one can keep is a challenge, but taking a holistic approach to health – which includes everything from skincare and diet to working out and maintaining a balanced lifestyle – ensures that resolutions turn into results.

Get in gear this year with a resolution to ride with

Now that the ball has dropped to usher in 2014, make it your mission to set a resolution to stick with this new year. According to Forbes, more than 40 percent of Americans set a goal for themselves at the start of a fresh year. However, only a mere 8 percent ever actually reach the finish line due to lack of ease and tangibility.

Britney making immediate impact

There’s no denying Britney Spears’ immediate impact: She’s ignited more debate in one week than any Las Vegas headliner in recent decades.