Literary Las Vegas: Robert Fejer

Robert Fejer was born in Hermosa Beach, Calif., and now lives in Henderson with his wife, Kathy, and daughter, MaryElizabeth. Fejer traveled the world as a technician in the entertainment industry. Many of his productions were tied to children’s theater. His love for children’s entertainment led him to write “Adventures of the Ant,” a picture book featuring illustrations by Yangtian Li.

“Crazy about Basketball!” bounces kids through the game in rhyme

Using verse to speak to young athletes, Lesynski highlights the excitement of the game and all its facets to kids for can’t get enough hoops. I liked the way author Loris Lesynski moves between spectator and player POVs here (for kids who are one or the other), and the action-packed cartoon drawings by Gerry Rasmussen just add to the enjoyment.

EDITORIAL: Drone designation

The federal government picks winners and losers all the time. Mostly losers.

Dad sends ‘youngest astronauts ever’ to space

A Finnish man decided last year that for Christmas, the best present he could give his sons would be to send them into space.

EDITORIAL: Open search for next water chief

The rush to replace retiring water czar Pat Mulroy is a testament to her political clout and the importance of the valley’s water agencies. Nevada’s power brokers — Ms. Mulroy among them — have no interest in seeing an unfamiliar outsider fill her considerable leadership void. Not when the job of keeping potable water flowing from every tap, every minute of every day, is at stake.

Misery means success for Hangover Heaven

What could be more profitable than selling $500 bottles of vodka to nightclub revelers? Helping those partiers recover the next morning. That’s been the ticket to success for Hangover Heaven.

No room for miscalculation with Iran

Even though the sign at the dog park says owners must pick up after their pets, it’s still a good idea to watch where you step.

Nightmare on F Street

Like calls for tax increases on an already-pummeled public, the scariest nightmares never go away.

Bikers’ group stands by youths who have experienced abuse

His road name is Nobody. That’s what he likes to go by. As president of Bikers Against Child Abuse of Nevada, his role is to be a support system for children who have experienced abuse.

Area Briefing, Jan. 7-13


Female Alabama fan unleashes punches on Oklahoma fans

Alabama fans were understandably frustrated during the Crimson Tide’s 45-31 loss to the Oklahoma Sooners Thursday in the Sugar Bowl.

Brain samples stolen, sold on eBay

A man who allegedly stole human brain samples from a medical history museum was arrested after a California man who bought some of the tissue online alerted authorities.

After a freeze, it’s possible to reshape citrus

Question: The low temperatures affected the citrus trees. Most of my new growth is on the suckers. Should I remove them or just let the tree be?

Paul Walker Porsche going 100 mph before crash

A coroner’s report says the Porsche carrying “Fast & Furious” star Paul Walker may have been going 100 mph or more before it crashed, killing both Walker and the driver.

9-year-old delivers baby sister

A 9-year-old girl delivered her own baby sister this week after her mother went into labor at their Chicago home.