Welterweight foes train in close quarters

Usually, fighters will segregate themselves from their opponents while they train to do battle. So it was somewhat strange to be at Barry’s Boxing on Wednesday and see Kell Brook inside the ring hitting the mitts while no less than 30 feet away stood Shawn Porter, shadow-boxing in front of a mirror.

Court win over NCAA emotional for O’Bannon

He was doing fine, talking about his victory over the NCAA, how thousands of future student-athletes will benefit from a judge’s decision Friday and how he was OK with not making a dime off a landmark case that made American sports history.

Thus endeth the lesson

In late May 2013, news spread like wildfire through the Legislative Building that one-time power broker Harvey Whittemore had been convicted of making illegal campaign contributions to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

EDITORIAL: Tanks for nothing

Somebody pass out the helmets. A dispute over who created one of the most famous and effective presidential campaign advertisements in recent history is getting nasty.

EDITORIAL: Teacher shortage

The Clark County School District’s growing enrollment and pursuit of smaller class sizes has led to a familiar problem — a shortage of licensed educators.

To get doctors, improve residencies

What’s the first order of business in improving Nevada’s health care system?

Lois Lerner’s salty language

If you want government to live up to the ideals under which this country was formed, you’re going to be called names.

Juvenile facility reviews security after escape

On April 28, three youth escaped from Red Rock Academy, a state juvenile correction facility in Clark County. The facility, which opened in December, was placed on a corrective action plan. Security flaws were addressed and staff members involved in the incident were disciplined.

Las Vegan donates kidney to wife of 44 years

He had seen a transplant brochure from University Medical Center and it said that people who wanted to donate a kidney had to be age 55 or younger. Here he was at age 66 and in perfect health being told he couldn’t donate a kidney to the love of his life, his dear Mindy, even if his blood type was compatible.

Six still wanted by Gaming Control Board

One of Nevada’s seven most-wanted cheats was recently taken into custody at the Sands Casino Resort in Bethlehem, Pa. But six remain. Here are their stories. Bright red letters spelling “CAPTURED” now cross out Chahine’s mug shot on the most-wanted list of the Nevada Gaming Control Board, which alerted other states about Chahine’s past. Now six photos remain — criminals still at-large and responsible for thousands in casino theft.

Nevada’s shift to federal Obamacare won’t be smooth

Healthcare.gov is supposed to fix Nevada’s Obamacare sign-up woes. But with consumer faith in exchanges badly shaken, not to mention lingering technical concerns with the incomplete federal site, observers say the Silver State is all but sure to face headwinds when enrollment begins again on Nov. 15.

McDonald tells LV vets his plans to fix VA

New VA Secretary Robert McDonald laid out his plans Saturday for fixing the scandal-rocked Department of Veterans Affairs, telling the National Disabled American Veterans convention in Las Vegas “it’s an opportunity we can’t miss nor underestimate.”

Smokey’s birthday celebrated at Mount Charleston

A green birthday cake decorated with trees and candles in the shape of the number 70 commemorated Smokey Bear’s birthday at Mount Charleston on Saturday.

Man charged in Elko Indian colony slaying

A suicidal gunman climbed through the window of a friend’s house at the Elko Indian Colony and asked her to videotape him killing himself before he eventually fatally shot another friend who lived in the home, federal prosecutors say.

Police arrest teen in death of Washington girl

Authorities say a 17-year-old has been arrested in the death and sexual assault of a 6-year-old girl whose body was found near the mobile home park she vanished from last weekend.

‘Ghost the Musical’ concludes national tour with Vegas stop

For years, Oscar-winning screenwriter Bruce Joel Rubin resisted the idea of a stage musical based on his 1990 Hollywood hit “Ghost” — until he teamed up with a Tony-winning director and Grammy-winning songwriters.

Vikings player injured in Minn. nightclub shooting

Minneapolis police were investigating a shooting inside a downtown nightclub that injured 9 people early Saturday, including a Minnesota Vikings defensive tackle.

Fairy tale freaks find harmony in ‘Shrek the Musical’

Enchanted fairy-tale creatures wave their freak flags at Spring Mountain Ranch during Super Summer Theatre’s “Shrek the Musical” in an exuberant presentation by Feral Tale Theatricals.

White students aren’t going to be majority in schools

For the first time, U.S. public schools are projected this fall to have more minority students than non-Hispanic whites, a shift largely fueled by growth in the number of Hispanic children.

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