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This simple diet flex can lower risk of heart disease

What if a simple tweak to your diet could significantly reduce your risk of heart disease without requiring you to go entirely meat-free?

Is there an optimal time of day to work out?

It’s a long-standing discussion for all who want to get into shape. When is the best time to exercise? Morning and evening workouts both have their benefits.

Jalisco a refreshing change of pace

Jalisco promises “the great flavors from south of the border with a new, fresh twist,” so that’s what we went looking for — and found.

Anthony’s Prime Steak & Seafood wins with its Rockefeller

We had a feeling from the moment our dish of Oysters Rockefeller was placed on the table at Anthony’s Steak & Seafood at M Resort that they were going to be something special. And these oysters weren’t all window dressing.

The Sparklings hard to define, but tasty

The Sparklings seems a little incongruous, so I’ll quit trying to figure it out and appreciate it for what it is: a restaurant serving a varied menu of well-prepared dishes in a pleasant environment.

Readers crack case of tasty local omelets

Readers offer suggestions spanning the valley on the best places to find the most flavorful omelets.

Italian-American Club blends old and new

It’d be easy to dismiss the Italian-American Club as a throwback, just another attempt to cling to a time best viewed through rose-colored glasses. Take a closer look, though.