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In immigrant-heavy industry, meatpackers face worker shortage

Companies struggling to hire before the pandemic are spending millions on fresh incentives. Their hiring capability hinges on unemployment, industry changes, employees’ feelings about safety, and President Donald Trump’s aggressive and erratic immigration policies.

Death, denial in Brazil’s Amazon capital

As ambulances zip through Manaus with sirens blaring and backhoes dig rows of new graves, the muggy air in this city by the majestic Amazon River feels thicker than usual with such pervasive denial. Manaus has seen nearly triple the usual number of dead in April and May.

Biden leaves home to make 1st in-person appearance in 2 months

Since abruptly canceling a March 10 rally in Cleveland at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has waged much of his campaign from his home in Wilmington.

A Memorial Day like no other commemorated in US

On the weekend that marks the unofficial start of summer, U.S. authorities warned beach-goers to heed social-distancing rules to avoid a resurgence of the disease that has infected 5.4 million people worldwide and killed over 345,000, including nearly 100,000 Americans, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.

National parks hope visitors comply with virus measures

As Yellowstone and other national parks end a two-month shutdown due to the coronavirus, park officials ask visitors to take simple precautions: Wash hands, keep a safe distance apart, wear protective face coverings in public.

Memorial Day even more poignant as veterans die from virus

This year’s Memorial Day will pay tribute not only to those who died on the battlefield but more recent fallen soldiers. An untold number of veterans served and survived during times of war only to die in recent weeks from the coronavirus.

White House imposes coronavirus travel ban on Brazil

The White House on Sunday broadened its travel ban against countries hard-hit by the coronavirus by denying admission to foreigners who have been in Brazil during the two-week period before they hoped to enter the U.S.

Memorial Day weekend draws crowds and triggers warnings

The Memorial Day weekend marking the unofficial start of summer in the U.S. meant big crowds at beaches and warnings from authorities Sunday about people disregarding the coronavirus social-distancing rules and risking a resurgence of the scourge that has killed nearly 100,000 Americans.

Trump plays golf for 1st time since the coronavirus pandemic

President Donald Trump played golf Saturday for the first time since he declared the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency more than two months ago, leading to the shutdown of much of American society.

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US, world source: worldometers.info