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What can be done to help ailing gardenia?

Gardenias have similar needs as roses. Their health and growth respond best to wood chip mulch decomposing on the soil surface.

Worms in apples? Codling moth is common pest

Apples that stay on the tree longest are the most heavily infested by codling moths. Apples harvested early are the least infested. Populations of this pest increase with each generation produced.

Las Vegas soils benefit from adding sand

If you want to improve drainage for cactuses then plant them higher than the surrounding soil. This type of cactus requires deep but infrequent irrigation.

Late-winter freezes can damage plants

This winter, the valley hasn’t had any freezing temperatures at lower elevations. But let’s not forget about chilling injury (damage occurring somewhere around 50 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit) in new growth and fruits of tropical plants like tomatoes.

Agave weevils damaging cactuses this time of year

Cactuses, particularly agaves, are rotting and dying from damage by the agave weevil, which that lays its eggs at the base of agave leaves. As their young hatch from the eggs, they burrow into the stem of the agave and all through it, including the roots.