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Brain health awareness growing, but action lacking

A 2024 brain health survey revealed a gap between thinking about brain health and taking steps to reduce risk or slow the progress of memory issues.

Surface mulch helps when during summer planting

Planting seeds during the heat requires that you visit your raised bed and check your seed (and new seedlings) at least twice a day — early morning and late afternoon. No need to keep the soil wet and soggy, but the seed should be swollen with water.

Without flowering, tree will not produce fruit

Without flowering it’s impossible for a fruit tree to produce fruit. If the tree flowered in previous years but not this year, then it is either something you did that contributed to its lack of flowering or something inherent to those varieties of fruit trees.

Roses only need water every other day in summer

Roses do not need daily watering, even during the hottest days. If the soil was prepared correctly at planting time and the soil surface covered in wood chips, they should get watered — at the most during the hottest times — every other day.

Check for borers after rainfall

An infrequent desert rain is not a problem. But when irrigation water is applied over and over to a soil that is normally dry, these soils shift, collapse and chemically change. In urban landscapes, this can be potentially destructive.

Rabbits can kill tree by eating trunk

If rabbits ate the trunk of a tree in a complete circle around the trunk, it’s a goner. Let it sucker from the bottom and start a new tree from the suckers.

Lack of water causes established trees to die back

Q: Around town and in my neighborhood, many midlife trees are dying. In beautiful large trees, there are dead branches and sometimes just a fully dead tree. Some trees are planted in gravel and some in a yard. Do you notice that also?