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Learn how grip training can aid your longevity

An enormous body of research links better grip strength in midlife and beyond to decreased risk of overall mortality.

United apologizes for giving away toddler’s paid-for seat

United Airlines has apologized to a Hawaii teacher who was forced to hold her 2-year-old son on her lap for three-and-a-half hours after an employee gave the toddler’s purchased seat to a standby passenger.

Another new proposal for a supersonic airliner?

Here we go again with another super-cool design for an airliner that flies faster than the speed of sound.

The fight to restore Native American names to U.S. landmarks

Denali and other natural wonders that have stood on the North American continent for millennia were named for European explorers, American presidents and others, even though they had been named by Native American nations thousands of years earlier.

10 tips that could help you survive a plane crash

Survival and rescue stories from the deadly crash of TransAsia Airways Flight 235 in Taiwan are inspiring as well as intriguing. They raise the question: Why do some passengers survive plane crashes and others tragically don’t?