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Utah says farewell to 3.2 beer, welcomes more powerful suds

The state will become the next-to-last in the country to say goodbye to lower-alcohol 3.2% beer on Friday, when drinkers welcome new, slightly stronger brews to grocery stores, gas stations and bars.

Earthquakes felt in Las Vegas strained major fault, study says

The earthquakes that hammered the Southern California desert near the town of Ridgecrest last summer involved ruptures on a web of interconnected faults and increased strain on a major nearby fault that has begun to slowly move, according to a new study.

EPA proposes rewrite of regulations on lead, copper in water

Federal official praises Clark County School District for its testing program, which detected elevated lead levels in water at three schools in late 2017 and early 2018.

Raging winds fan flames of wildfires in Southern California

Hot, dry winds sweeping into Southern California raised concerns that the region’s largest utility could widen power shutoffs Friday to prevent equipment from sparking wildfires.

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