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If you quit thinking Garfield was funny when you were, oh, about 10 years old, you must check out lasagnacat.com, where the strips are acted out by people in very, very bad costumes. The live action version still isn't that funny, but seeing someone portray Jon while wearing what appears to be plastic hair will elicit a giggle.

Do you write more like a man, or more like a woman? And no, we're not talking about handwriting here. Based on a complex algorithm that studies tics in the written word to determine the author's gender, the Gender Genie will analyze your blog for you based on the use of masculine or feminine keywords. Check it out for yourself at bookblog.net/gender/genie.php.

If the economy has made you consider cornering the Theraflu market for the flu season, check out www.google.org/flutrends/. Based on how many people in certain areas of the country Google information on the flu and flu symptoms, the site pinpoints where the bug is hitting the hardest, often two weeks faster than traditional methods.

Do you have an interesting Web site you'd like to share with other readers? Write Melissa Sullivan at msullivan@ reviewjournal.com.

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