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The best and the worst movies of 2015

It may seem hard to believe, given the months of hype and speculation, that record-shattering opening and the merchandise — so very much merchandise — but movies other than “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opened in 2015.

Family sues ‘Big Bang Theory’ over ‘Soft Kitty’ lyrics

“Soft Kitty” has been a longtime source of comfort for Sheldon Cooper on “The Big Bang Theory,” but now the song is at the center of a legal headache for CBS and “Big Bang” producer Warner Bros.

Cracker Barrel coming to the Silverton

Silverton representatives confirmed Monday that a Cracker Barrel restaurant and store are planned for the resort.

Motorhead’s Lemmy dead at 70

Ian Fraser Kilmister, widely known as Motorhead vocalist and bassist Lemmy, died of cancer Monday in Los Angeles. He was 70.

Hyde Lounge nightclub to be part of Las Vegas Arena

Nightclub and restaurant operator SBE Entertainment said Monday it will place a branch of its Hyde Lounge nightclub inside the $350 million Las Vegas Arena, which opens in April.