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July 16

What: University of Nevada Cooperative Extension will hold a one-day workshop on Gardening in Small Places: The Dirt on Soil.

When: 8 a.m.-noon

Where: Lifelong Learning Center, 8500 Paradise Road

Info: Class is limited to 15, and pre-registration is required. To register, email Elaine Fagin at fagine@unce.unr.edu or call 702-257-5572.

What: The Intuitive Forager farmers market

When: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Where: The Pavilion, Downtown Summerlin, located on Festival Plaza Drive

Info: For more information, call 702-832-1000.

What: Fresh52 Farmers Market

When: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Where: Tivoli Village, 302 S. Rampart Blvd.

Cost: Varies by product

Info: fresh52.com or 702-900-2552

What: Las Vegas Farmers Market Floyd Lamb Park at Tule Springs

When: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., first and third Saturday

Where: 9100 Tule Spring Road

Info: Co-sponsored by the city of Las Vegas Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services

What: Gardens guided walk. Join Springs Preserve experts for a guided walk through the botanical gardens.

When: 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m.; also Sunday

Where: Springs Preserve, 333 S. Valley View Blvd.

Cost: Free for members; included with general admission

Info: 702-822-7700

July 17

What: Fresh52 Farmers Market

When: 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Where: Sansone Park, 9480 S. Eastern Ave.

Cost: Varies by product

Info: fresh52.com or 702-900-2552

July 19

What: Mulch is available at both the Nevada Cooperative Extension’s Research Center and Demonstration Orchard and the Lifelong Learning Center.

When: 8 a.m.-noon, also Thursday and Saturday at the Research Center; 8 a.m-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at Lifelong Learning Center

Where: Research Center and Demonstration Orchard, 4600 Horse Drive, North Las Vegas; Lifelong Learning Center, 8050 Paradise Road

Cost: Mulch is free if loaded by individual and $2 per tractor scoop loaded. Only self-loading at Lifelong Learning Center.

Info: Contact the Research Center at 702-786-4361 or the Master Gardener Help Desk at 702-257-5555.

July 20

What: Las Vegas Farmers Market Bruce Trent Park

When: 4-8 p.m.

Where: 1600 N. Rampart Blvd. at Vegas Drive

Info: Co-sponsored by the city of Las Vegas

July 21

What: Henderson Farmers Market

When: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Where: Downtown Events Plaza, 240 Water St., Henderson

Cost: Varies by product

Info: Dave Star at 702-579-9661 or bob.drabicki@winderfarms.com

What: Las Vegas Farmers Market Gardens Park

When: 4-8 p.m.

Where: 10401 Gardens Park Drive at Town Center Drive

Info: Co-sponsored by the city of Las Vegas

July 22

What: Green Chefs Farmers Market

When: 8 a.m.-noon

Where: Senior Center of Boulder City, 813 Arizona St.

Info: Call 702-293-0716 or visit thegreenchefs.com.

What: Downtown3rd Farmers Market

When: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Where: Off U.S. Highway 95 and Casino Center Drive

Cost: Varies by product; cash only

What: Henderson Farmers Market

When: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Where: Henderson Pavilion, 200 S. Green Valley Parkway

Cost: Varies by product

Info: Dave Star at 702-579-9661 or bob.drabicki@winderfarms.com

What: University of Nevada Cooperative Extension-trained master gardeners offer guided tours of the Demonstration &Test Gardens. (Self-guided tours are 8 a.m-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.)

When: 10 a.m.

Where: 8050 Paradise Road

Info: Call 702-257-5555 or email lvmastergardeners@unce.unr.edu.

Aug. 20

What: University of Nevada Cooperative Extension will hold a one-day workshop on Gardening in Small Places: Tree Selection and Care

When: 8 a.m.-noon

Where: Lifelong Learning Center, 8050 Paradise Road

Info: Class space is limited to 25 people; pre-registration is required. Email Elaine Fagin at fagine@unce.unr.edu or call 702-257-5573.

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What’s ailing my mature pine trees?

When native pine trees are grown on their own they will develop taproots or sinker roots for stability and to secure enough water.

Gaining control over this annual weed is not easy to do

To make sure it doesn’t return you have to interrupt the seed-to-flowering-plant cycle at least for a couple of years and fill the voids with something competitive.