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Common good: Star keeps positive outlook on aging

“Aging is inevitable — feeling old doesn’t have to be,” says Common, insisting that the key to the next level of life is simple.

“You have to be grateful for the time you have in this moment,” the 52-year-old rapper, actor and activist says. “Even if it’s not a time when you’re feeling 100 percent happy. Just the fact that you’re alive, breathing and greeting this new day is the real win.

“You choose your happiness. You choose your approach to getting older.”

The Chicago native’s approach includes a role on the new season of the Apple TV+ hit “Silo.” Common portrays Robert Sims, head of security and enforcer, in the sci-fi series based on Hugh Howey’s books.

The series is set in the future as the last 10,000 people on Earth must survive in a giant silo many miles underground. Anyone who ventures out? Well, they won’t be coming back.

“Silo” also stars Rebecca Ferguson, Rashida Jones, Tim Robbins and David Oyelowo.

“I’m super-happy how people have responded to the show,” Common says. “I get these calls from different walks of life, from young people and older people. The best is my mother called to say she is watching. She also wants to know what’s going on. When your mother likes your work, then you have it made.”

The Grammy, Oscar and Emmy winner, who splits time between his native Chicago and Los Angeles, shares his good life tips:

If you never ask …

Common, who has had memorable roles in “Hell on Wheels” and the John Wick franchise, says he was dreaming of a show like “Silo,” because it makes you stop and think about the future. “I’m a big believer in ‘Ask and it shall be given,’ ” he says. “I remember during the pandemic saying, ‘God, I want to be part of things I’m passionate about and really care about. Then came ‘Silo.’ ”

Get inspired

He signed on for the series because he had “that inspired feeling. I read it and I couldn’t stop reading it,” Common says. “I felt so jazzed about it. I wanted to keep reading. … There are times in your life where you say, ‘I just have to be a part of this thing.’ Those are the magic moments. I think when you get inspired about anything, it’s a real blessing.”

‘I know I can do it’

Common believes that negative thoughts undermine our happiness. “The mind is so powerful, and the things we tell ourselves are just as powerful. The more we tell ourselves that we will be well and able to do things, the more we live up to that goal. If you approach aging like, ‘I won’t be able to do this or that,’ then you’re just setting yourself up for defeat. If you say, ‘I know I can do it,’ then you’re on a whole new playing field.”

Clean and green

Common is a super-healthy eater and begins each day with a glass of water and a homemade green juice. “It’s a great way to get in your vegetables at the beginning of the day,” he says. “I love a little spinach, rose water, chlorophyll and pear. Or I’ll do what I call my greens drink, which includes spinach, parsley, kale and apple. I always have friends asking, ‘What’s the deal with those juices, Common? ’ The next time I see them, they have their own green juice on the table. It’s fun to experiment with fresh ingredients. They taste good and they’re really good for you.” His other daily food choices include veggie bacon, broiled fish and gluten-free spaghetti.

See it through

When he was young, Common’s mother insisted he make a vision board for his future. “She had seen Oprah create a vision board,” he says. “I kept putting it off … and then finally did it. I wrote my visions and goals for the year, and things started to really change for me. Every time I needed to be reminded of what I wanted to see for myself, I would go to that board and it would remind me. … I imagined myself as an artist before I knew how to get there.”

Fortify your shield

For overall health, Common says, it’s good to rid your life of as much stress as possible. “I got things I do throughout the day to remove stress or not let it set in,” he says. “I start every day with my prayers. You want to start each day clear, and this is the best way for me. Don’t grab your phone. Grab some gratitude. Then I make sure to get some exercise in. That relieves some of the stresses for sure — or wards them off. A strong body is your shield.”

Stress relievers

His two-second stress reliever? “When I’m in a real stressful situation, I just take some deep breaths,” Common shares. “Breath is so important, and if you focus on it, your stress will slowly leave. … My other stress cure is music. Give me some Coltrane. Music gives me peace of mind, and I love it.”

Future forward

“You’re never too old to learn,” Common maintains. “We need to be humble enough to learn at every age. Yes, there are achievements, awards and record sales in life or even collaborations with your heroes. It’s great, but there is still room to grow and be better.”

Get creative

“Imagination is not only for the arts,” he observes. “It can apply to everyday life to create the reality you want to see.”

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