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Troubleshooting potential Medicare online enrollment problems

Dear Toni: I had no problem opening a My Social Security account to enroll in Medicare because I knew those answers. But filling out the application for Medicare was another story.

I had a problem with some of Medicare’s personal questions. I knew my name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, etc. But the citizenship question was another issue. I was born in Greece and received my American citizenship about 15 years ago. The application asked for the date that I became a U.S. citizen, and I did not know and had to estimate. I now have to submit my original citizenship papers to my local Social Security office.

Even though this is supposed to be an easier process by enrolling online at ssa.gov, there are still few kinks that can confuse people. — Nick, Tampa, Fla.

Dear Nick: I’m glad that you found your original citizenship papers and could get them to your local Social Security office.

Let’s discuss how to apply online, with a few problems we are discovering in helping others apply for Medicare at ssa.gov.

If you cannot open a My Social Security account to apply for Medicare Parts A or Part B, then what? Contact your local Social Security office or call 800-772-1213 and inform an agent that you are not able to open an account, are locked out and need Social Security’s help.

Once your My Social Security account is established, you will need the following information to submit to Medicare:

■ Name, Social Security number, gender and date of birth.

■ Address, phone number, email address.

■ Citizenship information regarding you.

■ Answers to questions about your health benefits.

Then submit your online application and view your receipt. It will tell you which documents are needed to approve your Medicare.

In Nick’s case, he had to provide his citizenship papers. Another example of a document someone might need: Let’s say you are married and are applying under your spouse’s Medicare benefits, then you would be asked to provide a marriage certificate.

Nick, after turning in your documents, visit ssa.gov/myaccount to find out when your Medicare application is finalized and approved. Download your benefit verification letter, which will include your Medicare number and Parts A and B dates.

You can enroll in a Medicare supplement and a stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan with Part D. With your Medicare information, you will be able to open a medicare.gov account to print your Medicare card, pay your premium and discover which Part D or Medicare Advantage plan best meets your needs.

Toni King is an author and columnist on Medicare and health insurance issues. If you have a Medicare question, email info@tonisays.com or call 832-519-8664.

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