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Experts: Couple in Las Vegas police ambush displayed classic anti-government ideologies

Before going on a shooting rampage that left five people dead, including two Las Vegas police officers and themselves, Jared and Amanda Miller displayed the classic ideological leanings of the anti-government patriot movement, according to nationally known experts who track extremist groups.

Heller warns Obama against Gold Butte action

Debate over Nevada public land flared anew on Friday when U.S. Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada warned President Barack Obama against designating a national monument in the Gold Butte region of Clark County.

ATV users seek protection of their access to scenic, petroglyph-rich Gold Butte

Most of the questions posed in the aftermath of Cliven Bundy’s April skirmish with armed federal agents in Bunkerville have centered on what the government will do next, but even deeper questions remain about the future of the Gold Butte area where the rancher’s cattle grazed, a geological and archaeological treasurehouse frequented by ATV users.

GOP congressional candidates debate in shadow of early voting

During their last GOP primary debate Friday on the eve of early voting, Assemblyman Cresent Hardy changed his mind about Obamacare, Niger Innis regretted not voting enough and they both supported Bundy.

BLM chief: Lawbreakers in Bundy confrontation will be held accountable

The director of the Bureau of Land Management said Monday that lawbreakers will be “held accountable” as the agency pursues a new plan to enforce court orders against Southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy for illegally grazing cattle on public land.

Possible charges against Utah ATV protest riders

The Bureau of Land Management has begun an investigation that could lead to charges against nearly 50 people who rode ATVs on an off-limits trail last weekend in Utah to show their displeasure with the federal government.

Nevada ranchers fight feds for survival in changing times

Ranching on federal public lands is diminishing, and remaining ranchers in Nevada and throughout the West — a hardy breed of survivors enduring changing times — are feeling squeezed by the federal government.

Dozens of protesters ride ATVs in off-limits Utah canyon

Dozens of people rode their ATVs and motorcycles on an off-limits trail in southern Utah on Saturday in a protest against what the group calls the federal government’s overreaching control of public lands.

Nevada development chief: State-recruited jobs reach 4,771 and growing

Bolstering Nevada’s economy, Gov. Brian Sandoval’s Office of Economic Development helped create 4,771 jobs last year — three times the number in 2011 — and is on pace to beat that figure in 2014, the director of the office said Friday.

Protest planned in Utah over off-limits ATV trail on public land

An idyllic Utah canyon home to ancient cliff dwellings and native burials will be the site of a protest Saturday by a group of people who plan to mount their ATVs and ride a trail that has been off limits to motorized vehicles since 2007, but the federal Bureau of Land Management has warned protesters to stay away.

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