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Las Vegas to get first wave of monsoon weather this week

The Las Vegas Valley will get its first wave of monsoon weather for the year later this week, according to the National Weather Service.

Clark County has issued an air quality advisory lasting through Monday, because of smoke from wildfires California. The county’s air quality department predicts ozone and smoke levels will drop from “unhealthy for sensitive groups” to “moderate” between Sunday and Monday.

The county advises residents to stay indoors, avoid strenuous activity in the sun, keep home and car windows closed and run the air conditioning. This warning especially applies to residents with young children, older adults and people with lung conditions.

Sunday saw a high of 110 degrees, meteorologist Stan Czyzyk said. Temperatures for the week will remain hot with a high of 100 degrees on Monday, followed by a forecast of 108 on Tuesday, he said.

On Wednesday and Thursday a 20 percent chance of thunderstorms may bring monsoon moisture to the valley, with a humid high of 108 degrees predicted for Wednesday and 106 for Thursday, the weather service said.

Friday and Saturday are each likely to see 104 degree highs with lows in the 80s, Czyzyk said.

Review-Journal writer Raven Jackson contributed to this story. Contact Max Michor at mmichor@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0381. Find @MaxMichor on Twitter.

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