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LETTER: NFR’s tactics make NFL owners look good

To the editor:

I used to think that wealthy NFL owners were the king scammers, receiving tax-increment-financing favors after threatening a community, “Help pay for our new stadium or we’ll move.” Then I heard about the favors granted the National Finals Rodeo for the privilege of staying in Las Vegas, where the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association earns millions of dollars annually off its season-ending event.

For several decades, the tax-funded Las Vegas Events gang has handed over a check for millions of tax-generated dollars to the rodeo clowns as an incentive to stay in Vegas, where they earn huge amounts of money. Now, the clowns (who aren’t as dumb as they look) have Las Vegas Events officials over a barrel with an even more egregious, extortion-style threat: Pay us more money for the privilege of making millions in Vegas, or we’ll pack up our pony-and-buckle show and head to Florida, where they’re willing to pay us an even bigger tax-funded check.

So, who are the idiots? For the umpteenth time, it’s the taxpayers and fee payers who never take the time to sniff out the source of the rotten potato, only to later whine and complain about high taxes and fees.



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