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Chris G. is the darling of the extreme left

I write in response to the recent Review-Journal article regarding the endorsement of Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Chris Giunchigliani by the Nevada State Education Association, otherwise known as the teachers union, and an ad buy by the Giunchigliani campaign pointing out the many “flaws” in her primary opponent, Steve Sisolak. The article made no mention of the fact that Ms. Giunchigliani recently attended a fundraising event in New York, sponsored by some of that state’s most leftist politicians and their minions, who lavished her with money and kudos.

When one digs into Ms. Giunchigliani’s many endorsements, it’s quite evident that she is the darling of the extreme left nationally and of the local unions that enjoy huge wage and pension packages that Clark County is barely able to fund. Those wage packages damn near bankrupted the county in 2010 during the financial crash.

The points that are thrown out at Mr. Sisolak read like a descriptor for a perfect candidate to run the state. His perfect score of 100 percent from the NRA, his fiscal responsibility and the fact that he’s not seeking endorsements from states and politicos 3,000 miles away speak volumes.

It’s Ms. Giunchigliani who must be feared. Thanks to her leftist agenda, the people of New York are just tickled pink to support her. Don’t be fooled into supporting someone who values New Yorkers and their money over Nevadans.

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