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LETTER: Nevada lawmakers should stop imitating California

The excellent letter from Mike Mathews (“More folly emanating from Carson City,” March 21) demonstrates how our POOR, benighted state is slouching toward California, thanks to Democrats in the Legislature.

On top of the parade of horrors that Mr. Mathews enumerates (higher property taxes, higher costs for business, our airport renamed for the most divisive politician in the state), Democrat legislators have proposed transgender bathroom laws and, now, a plastic bag ban.

As a Nevadan who spends a great deal of time in California, I can testify to the foolishness of many of the measures being proposed, which already exist in our neighboring state.

One of the most irritating is the obnoxious plastic bag ban, which forces people either to carry around germy used bags or fork over up to 10 cents each for new bags. And don’t forget, you Democrat protectors of the poor, this 10-cent-a-bag charge places yet another burden on low-income families.

The main purpose of state and local government in California, it would seem, is to make people’s lives miserable. Do we in Nevada have to follow suit?

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LETTER: Global warming and timelines

To give perspective, the California Sierra was largely free of permanent snow 700 years ago, but then developed the glaciers that are retreating today.

LETTER: Those dastardly mosquitoes

It’s been my pleasure to have lived in the Las Vegas Valley for 50 years. In all that time, I cannot recall ever once having been bitten by a mosquito. Until now.