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Trump an alternative to business as usual

It’s ironic that the press is blowing out Donald Trump on this women issue yet gave Bill Clinton a free pass over all his chasing around. If we don’t start getting off all this political correctness — and all this “she said this” and “he said that” — and realize that this country is running out of time and money, we might as well give Hillary Clinton a free pass to the White House.

Left-wing pundits rarely talk about Ms. Clinton, but instead offer a continual beat down of Mr. Trump. Washington needs to be fixed, and it must stop the handouts to people in this country and also around the world.

The debt alone has to make you wonder when people will wake up and demand action. What is happening in Washington isn’t going change without a change. Mr. Trump thinks like the people who are paying for this economy.

I say let’s make a change — and if it’s Trump, so be it. Because the other side will be business as usual.

Dave Mesker

Las Vegas

Licensing obstacles

In response to your recent story detailing that Nevada is short of doctors: Of course we are. Same as with teachers.

This state doesn’t graduate enough medical students to cover its needs and has ridiculous restrictions that prevent acquisitions. Twenty-three years ago, I retired here with U.S. Air Force credentials and active medical licenses from six states. I was fit and ready to practice, but there was no Nevada reciprocity. Have to retake all those exams. No way — been there, done that, and the state lost another potential provider.

How many good doctors and teachers from out-of-state have hit the same roadblocks?

James A. Silver


Democratic chaos

It is amazing how normally sensible persons can scream, yell, cuss and behave as some Bernie Sanders supporters did (“Democrats’ meeting contentious,” Monday Review-Journal).

Convention rules were not explained and copies were not available. I had printed them and read them before attending. But for some unannounced reason, the chairwoman called for a change to the rules. Most of the Clinton group agreed. However, the chair announced the vote had carried before the Sanders group had finished voting. Most voting was done verbally rather than by a show of hands. Evidently, Roberts Rules of Order were not followed.

I feel people have a right to participate and express their views. But, evidently, the “committee” was in charge.

The ballot process was totally ridiculous with people walking up front, getting a ballot and voting. Numbered ballots could just as easily have been handed to the delegates as they were registered and collected after voting. The ballot boxes sat for an hour or more on the podium before votes were counted (this while there was a meeting break).

When it came time for the platform to be presented, there was much opposition from many in the Sanders group. The platform was available only online, so some may not have taken time to review it.

I had attended the February caucus, which was a disaster, as was the county convention. I had hoped the state convention would be better structured.

Loretta Eichelberger

North Las Vegas

Federal bully

Lately, under President Obama, we have had Russian jets buzz U.S. warships, Iran capture U.S. sailors and China restrict the use of Hong Kong ports. The best this administration can muster is, “Thank you.”

But on the domestic front, if you do not allow transgenders or those of a “different sexual orientation” to use the bathrooms, locker rooms or showers of their choice, the U.S. Justice Department will cut off federal funding. Will the next step by Mr. Obama be to include pedophiles under “different sexual orientation”?

Sounds like Big Brother is acting like a bully to me.

Michael A. Donnelly

Las Vegas

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