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Vitriol toward Donald Trump is destroying the country

I will be 73 next week and have followed politics and goings-on in Washington for most of that time. I must conclude that I have never seen a more dismal political landscape as the one we face today.

Not only is our government close to being totally dysfunctional, the hatred, vitriol, negativity and ill-will directed toward President Donald Trump is unprecedented. At last count, there were seven or eight congressional committees investigating various aspects of Mr. Trump’s life, and Congress is now considering further investigations spawned by the Mueller report. In addition, various members of the left have been talking about impeachment since the inauguration. The double standard being applied here is, quite frankly, disgusting.

There are those reading this who will say, “He deserves it.” They are correct — to a certain extent. However, even when a positive subject such as the state of unemployment or economic growth comes up, those on the left are quick to claim, “President Barack Obama is responsible for that” or, “Trump hasn’t done enough.” I am not a fan of President Trump. In fact, I dislike more things about him than I like. Nevertheless, he has accomplished some positive things in the past two years that deserve recognition from the Democrats because citizens of the country are benefiting from them. But it’s mostly crickets from the media and the left.

Sadly, most members of the opposition party in Washington, in my opinion, want the president to fail because they dislike him and everything he stands for. They also believe that the 2016 election was a nightmare. Those are understatements.

If we can’t find a way to compromise, use some common sense and try to get along with each other, perhaps we should start flying the American flag upside down.

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