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Wayne Allyn Root spouting alt-right propaganda

In Trump World and, by association, Wayne’s World, the president is always the victim. The president is always treated so unfairly. The president is never to blame.

Sunday’s column by Donald Trump’s alt-right voice in Las Vegas, Wayne Allyn Root, continues the theme and pattern by asserting that the media unfairly portray the president, that the popular vote was a fraud perpetrated by bused-in illegals and that there is somehow demonstrable and continued voter fraud designed to win the midterms. That’s alt-right propaganda.

Kris Kobach, Mr. Trump’s ex-flunky voter fraud commissioner, was never able to ascertain any large-scale fraud. He tried to extrapolate gigantic numbers the same way Mr. Root does. They find minuscule examples they blow up to nationwide proportions that have no credibility. And the commission was canceled after finding nothing to substantiate Mr. Trump’s lies that there is widespread voter fraud.

Mr. Root is grasping at straws. When Republicans are crushed at the polls on Nov. 6, they can fall back on Mr. Trump’s lie and the conspiracy theory that his election and the midterms featured massive fraud.

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