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COMMENTARY: Democrats decide not to live by the rules

Forget the college cheating scam. The biggest scam in America is the Democratic Party. Its platform is based on legalizing cheating. I have no idea why anyone in America should obey the law anymore. Just ignore any law you think is unfair — just like Democrats do.

Just days ago, 13 parents, including famous Hollywood actress Felicity Huffman, agreed to plead guilty in the college admissions cheating scandal. Now don’t get me wrong. I hate arrogant, rich, entitled jerks as much as the next guy. Maybe more.

I went to Columbia University with hundreds of these lucky-sperm-club liberals. It was clear from my first day at Columbia that many of my spoiled-brat classmates (all of whom announced proudly how much they hated America) got in because their rich parents greased the wheels. Nothing ever changes. I couldn’t stand these kids.

Nonetheless, if I was among those 13 college cheating scandal parents, I’d have pleaded innocent. Their lawyers should have argued they’re innocent thanks to the standards set by today’s Democratic Party. According to Democrats, laws no longer matter and cheating is legal — as long as you think the law you’re breaking is unfair.

Exhibit A is illegal immigration. Democrats aggressively support open borders. They no longer think immigration law matters. They want to allow anyone, at any time, to break into our country. And Democrats think that, once illegals are caught breaking in, they should be allowed to stay forever without penalty.

Every illegal has a fake ID and stolen Social Security numbers. Democrats don’t think anyone should be punished for breaking those laws.

Actually it’s worse. Democrats want to reward criminals. They think anyone who breaks into our country deserves welfare checks, food stamps, housing allowances, aid to dependent children, free school and free medical. That’s massive theft from law-abiding, American taxpayers direct to criminals.

Democrats in New York and California insist these criminals must get Obamacare. Democrat presidential contenders say these illegal criminals must get Social Security — even though this will further hasten the insolvency of the program for U.S. citizens who have paid in their whole lives.

Democrat judges will no longer enforce the law. They refuse to turn felons over to ICE. Democrat mayors warn felons that ICE is coming.

Worse, Democrat presidential candidates support abolishing ICE. They don’t even want a police force to defend our nation from foreign invaders or to take criminals into custody.

Democrats create sanctuary cities and even sanctuary states. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom has sworn to protect illegal aliens in his state. He believes he can choose to ignore laws and the Constitution simply because he doesn’t like them.

So I ask: Why should the rest of us obey laws we don’t like? Why should any of us pay our taxes if we don’t like the IRS? Why should anyone obey the speed limit if we like to speed? It’s clear it’s my choice to ignore any laws I don’t like.

You know what I call those college cheating parents who pleaded guilty? Suckers. They clearly needed better legal representation. They should have just pleaded innocent based on the Democratic Party platform.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com.

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