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Police said Trevon Cole was shot after the suspect made a "furtive movement" toward the cop. ... The officer who shot Cole has been identified as 34-year-old Bryan Yant, a 10-year veteran of the department who has shot two other people. (One survived.)

Something is very wrong here.

No coroner's jury that rubber-stamps this shooting as "justified" is going to explain why the cops are breaking into people's homes at night and holding them at gunpoint -- let alone shooting them -- over selling small amounts of marijuana. Such arrests can be handled by the undercover officer who makes the "buy," or by a back-up officer waiting nearby.

Why the high-risk, late-night drama?



The pompous fascists at the egregiously misnamed "Center for Science in the Public Interest" resurfaced this week to announce a brand new shakedown of McDonald's. Unless the fast-food giant agrees to stop distributing toys with its Happy Meals, the group says it will move forward with a lawsuit charging that the company "unfairly and deceptively" markets its products toward children. ... This whole Nanny State crusade is fast getting out of hand, and the Center for Science in the Public Interest is the poster child for such idiocy. At some point, the level-headed majority must rise up and demand that these fussbudgets who seek to hijack the power of government to control virtually every facet of our existence leave everybody the hell alone or face the potential ugly consequences.

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COMMENTARY: Yes, build in my backyard

The U.S. housing market is suffering from the classic supply-and-demand problem.