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Sue Lowden weighs in for Angle

A reader forwarded this fund-raising letter from Sue Lowden.

It's significant in that after Lowden lost to Sharron Angle in the primary election, Lowden has kept a low profile and some wondered whether she would ever weigh in on behalf of Angle. Well, wonder no more, as this letter indicates. Aside from money, two factors could help Angle mightily from here until the general -- an active Sue Lowden energizing her significant Nevada GOP base for Angle and a couple of visits from Sarah Palin on the same stage as Angle.

Those two things, I promise you, scare the heck out of the Reid campaign because they know there is nothing on their side of the fight -- not even the president -- who come close to counteracting the one-two punch of Lowden/Palin.

Anyway, here's the Lowden letter along with a tip of the hat to the loyal reader who passed it along:

Harry Reid MUST Be Defeated....

And Harry Reid CAN Be Defeated

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Thank you once again for all the support you gave me in our primary fight in the U.S. Senate race this year. You’ll never know how much your kindness and support meant to me and my family. I appreciate that you are willing to open this email and I hope you will read all the important information here.

I got into the race with one thing in mind: To defeat Harry Reid. Period.

And my commitment to that cause hasn’t waned one bit, despite some media reports to the contrary. As I said in my concession speech back on June 8, I accept the decision of Nevada’s Republican primary voters. I congratulated Sharron Angle on her win that night, wished her well….and I meant it.

Still do. Even more so. And that’s why I’m writing you today - because I know that together we can defeat Harry Reid.

Save America from Harry Reid

Despite spending two months and over $10 million to rough up, marginalize, and cause “fear and loathing” of Sharron since the primary, the latest Las Vegas Review-Journal poll (August 27th) shows Harry Reid only up by one point!

And this isn’t just one aberrant poll saying Reid can be beaten.

The poll before that showed Sharron and Harry tied, 47-47 percent.

And the poll before that one had Sharron just one point behind Reid

And the poll before that showed her just two points behind him.

In other words, the last four straight public polls in this race all show Sharron Angle well within the margin of error. Or put another way, despite the blitzkrieg of negative attack ads which have blatantly mischaracterized Sharron’s positions on almost every issue, she’s still within striking distance.

And when you consider the fact that the “undecided” voters usually break against the incumbent, this is a fight we definitely can win…if we have the resources to take it to Harry.

That’s the good news.

Now here’s the bad news,

In order to stay in the game, Nevada political pundit Jon Ralston reports that the Angle campaign has pretty much spent every last dime of the estimated $2 million she raised after her primary win on June 8th.

That was just to survive and remain viable during Harry Reid’s “Summer Slam” onslaught and make it through Labor Day, when the “real” campaign begins and kicks into high gear.

Sharron will, of course, continue to raise money for the fall campaign.

However, she’s going to need a lot of help from outside groups and organizations to combat the coming avalanche of special interest money from labor unions, trial lawyers, environmental extremists and government employees.

Save America from Harry Reid

I could spend a lot time and space here outlining all of the things that make Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid so bad for Nevada, and even worse for the United States of America…but by then the election would be over.

• ObamaCare, ObamaCare, ObamaCare
• Playing race-card politics
• Suing Arizona for cracking down on illegal immigration
• Amnesty for illegal aliens
• Killing the Bush tax cuts
• Undermining our troops
• Tax-and-cap environmental extremism
• Lame response to BP oil spill
• Cash for clunkers
• Bank bailouts
• Union bailouts
• State government bailouts
• Bleeding Social Security dry
• Bleeding our children and grand-children dry
• Unrelenting unemployment
• Foreclosures
• Bankruptcies
• Ending secret ballot elections
• Nationalization of student loan programs
• Under-qualified, left-wing Supreme Court nominees
• Etc., etc., etc.

You and I already know how bad Harry Reid is.

And you and I know he must be defeated in November if we’re to have any “hope” of “change” in the disastrous anti-business, socialist direction Harry Reid, Barack Obama and San-Fran-Nan Pelosi are taking our country.

The real question is whether or not Sharron Angle can do it? In short:

“Si, ella puede!”
Yes, she can.

But she’s going to need a lot of help from friends and allies.

Save America from Harry Reid

Since 1980, AmeriPAC has helped fund and elect a large number of candidates to public office. In addition to direct financial support of candidates, AmeriPAC also makes independent expenditures, funding newspaper and magazine advertisements, direct mail, yard signs, television and radio commercials, bumper stickers, and billboards.

And they’re gearing up to fully engage Harry Reid’s Mean, Green Smear Machine this fall. In fact, AmeriPAC has teamed up with Chuck Muth, a well-known, longtime conservative political activist in Nevada, who is coordinating our efforts. So unlike many outside groups who don’t really know the political landscape here at political “gound zero,” AmeriPAC is “wired in.” But in order to help defeat Harry, they need us to help them.

Time is of the essence. The “real” campaign begins next week….right after the Labor Day weekend. And that’s when we’re going to need all hands on deck and bring all guns to bear (politically speaking, of course!).

So please go online right now and join me in contributing $25, $50, $100 or more today to AmeriPAC to help us “dump” Harry Reid.

Defeating Harry Reid and his anti-business, socialist agenda in 2010 sets the stage for defeating Barack Obama and his anti-business, socialist agenda in 2012.

So please join AmeriPAC’s efforts and give generously to help “change” our current out-of-control government and put our nation back on the “right” track.

Sincerely yours,

Sue Lowden
Former Nevada U.S. Senate candidate

P.S. After all the money Harry Reid has spent, and after all the lies and misinformation he’s spread, Sharron Angle is still in a dead-heat tie with the self-proclaimed most powerful man in Congress.

Please help us help Sharron Angle push Harry Reid out of office once and for all by making a $25, $50, $100 or more donation to AmeriPAC’s efforts as you possibly can today. Click here P.P.S. For more information and updates on efforts to dump Harry Reid, please visit www.DumpHarry.com

Sue Lowden, 50 S. Jones Blvd., Second Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89107

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