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Style it Up

If you don't think you have a personal style, you're mistaken. We're not talking anything fancy like "urban chic with a twist on the classics" or "naughty secretary circa '65." But, if you take a look at your closet, or even the five outfits you wore last week, you'll find a common denominator throughout.

Most people fall into one of the following: modest, flirty, edgy. Some borrow from more than one, here and there, but most women will find that they stay true to one of these time and time again.

That said, we've taken this season's hottest trends and translated them according to these three styles.

If you looked at the spring fashion spreads and shunned these looks on first glance, we're officially reintroducing them.

So go ahead and meet spring's trends, the new and improved versions.

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End of an era as shoeshine stands shut down across US

The shoeshining business has been hurt not only by the pandemic, but also by the growing popularity of more casual footwear.