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EDITORIAL: Biden’s sea of red ink

The CBO said that it expects this year’s federal deficit to hit $2 trillion, almost $400 billion higher than the original estimate it released — and Biden boasted about — earlier.

No declaration of innocence

Solidifying its reputation as a toothless, bumbling bureaucracy, the state Ethics Commission on Thursday concluded four days of hearings on improper pay raises within the Nuclear Projects office by declaring the charges against former chief Bob Loux weren’t worded properly — and letting him walk.

Apologies and appeasement

During last year’s presidential campaign, as part of larger questions surrounding Barack Obama’s lack of foreign policy and military experience, a handful of scholars and pundits asked exactly what the Democrat meant in asserting that his administration would “restore America’s reputation and moral authority abroad.”

What if all the angels stand on one foot?

Once you begin haggling over the details — it’s OK prior to 60 days before an election but not after, a 90-minute movie might be OK but not a 30-second commercial, this money is good but that money is corrupting — you have lost sight of the fact that the fundamental premise of the whole damn thing is a fraud perpetrated by charlatans against liberty and democracy.

Build solar! Build wind! … but not in my desert

A new era is dawning, we’re assured. The dark clouds of industrial pollution (OK, carbon dioxide is colorless, odorless, non-toxic, and necessary, but let’s not get bogged down in details) are about to be banished, ushering in a glorious new day of hygienic energy cleanliness and perfectly balanced global neither-warming-nor-cooling.

Which books to collect, and what are they worth?

About a year ago, a writer for one of the town’s less-than-every-day papers infamously reported with regret that the Reading Room bookstore at Mandalay Place inside the Mandalay Bay was closing, leaving Las Vegas without any independent booksellers.

3D movies aren’t a gimmick anymore

It’s no secret that 3D movies are enjoying an incredible resurgence. As studios and exhibitors look for ways to keep providing moviegoers with reasons to leave the comfort of their homes and spend money to go to the movies, 3D has once again become a promising platform.

Brave new world

In his novel “1984,” George Orwell created the satiric template for the modern totalitarian state, a humorless bureaucracy endlessly changing the very language to disguise its purposes.

We all have a stake in UNLV

As professors at UNLV’s School of Life Sciences, we are extremely concerned about the budget situation in Nevada. We work hard, teaching several thousand students every semester, training many of them in our laboratories, writing grants to conduct cutting-edge research and publishing our results in prestigious scientific journals as well as in books and textbooks.

Making sausage out of ‘card check’

My curious little state of Arkansas, conservative and nominally Democratic, is something of a ground zero in the raging battle between management and labor over whether to allow unions to be formed by the filing of employee cards.

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