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Northwestern Arizona boasts several ideal camping spots

Hidden away in secluded spots, several small campgrounds established by the Bureau of Land Management add to the appeal of Northwestern Arizona for year-round outdoor enjoyment. Located within a three-hour drive from Las Vegas, these sites expand adventure opportunities for Southern Nevadans.

Fans of off-road adventures can find places to play in Utah

Southern Nevadans seeking scenery and adventure find plenty to lure them to Southern Utah. Closer for Las Vegas area residents than many parts of our own state, Utah’s “Dixie” lies just a couple of hours’ drive away. The Beehive State openly woos out-of-state visitors by enhancing its gorgeous landscapes with a fine system of parks and trail networks appealing to wide outdoor interests.

Calico Early Man Site interesting place to see excavations, artifacts

Visitors to the Calico Early Man Archaeological Site near Barstow, Calif., need to use their imaginations to understand what may have happened there between 135,000 and 200,000 years ago. Instead of the sun-scorched Mojave Desert of today, they must visualize a landscape with lush plains teeming with game bordering ancient Lake Manix, fish-filled and attractive to waterfowl. It would have been attractive to humans living off the bounty of the land, as well.

Tonopah honors its beginnings with festive Jim Butler Days

A chance discovery of ore rich in silver in 1900 by Central Nevada rancher Jim Butler sparked a mining boom to rival the fabulous days of the Comstock Lode decades earlier in Virginia City. When word of Butler’s find got out, a boom started that drew Nevada out of a deep depression. Soon, a camp called Butler grew near the site of Jim Butler’s original strike near Tonopah Spring.

North Rim of the Grand Canyon beautiful, but less crowded

When the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park reopens May 15 for the summer season, the first visitors may see spring wildflowers struggling up through remnant snowdrifts. Situated 1,000 feet higher than the South Rim, the North Rim’s heavy winters force the shutdown of visitor facilities annually from Oct. 15 until mid-May. Only a few intrepid snowshoe trekkers or cross country skiers with backcountry permits reach the North Rim in the dead of winter.

How clean is Las Vegas’ water?

The Las Vegas Valley Water District said it conducted 320,000 analyses on more than 55,000 water samples from Lake Mead and other storage reservoirs.