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Watch out for this Social Security scam

Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley advised Americans not to fall “this stunt” regarding a cost-of-living adjustment.

Summerize Your Home

By this time of year, your house shouldn’t have a trace left of the colder seasons. Furry throws, thick comforters, pumpkin and cranberry accessories — all of it should be packed up with your winter coat and Uggs.

Reduce home cooling costs with plants

Landscaping with energy efficiency in mind is not a new idea. In the early days of Las Vegas, Helen J. Stewart and others used cottonwood and mesquite trees to modify temperatures around their homes. Today, many of us head for the mountains to cool off.

Tour gets to the heart of green building

If there’s one thing Las Vegas is known for, it’s change. Although our green building awareness got off to a slow start compared to some other cities, we’ve managed to turn that around. Many are surprised to learn that the rate of green building is accelerating rapidly in Southern Nevada, now home to some of the largest green building projects in the world.

Efforts to work green launches new industry

We’ve all heard a lot about green jobs lately. But what exactly is a green job? When are they coming? Where can a person find one? A lot of people want to know how they can make a living while making a difference.