County high school dropout rate falls again

The Clark County School District’s high school dropout rate for 2008-09 decreased for the second consecutive year, according to district statistics released today.

Lawmakers, Gibbons aim to finalize budget deal Saturday after talks break off tonight

Gov. Jim Gibbons and Nevada lawmakers said they hoped to reach a budget agreement quickly, but after two meetings remained divided on how to raise revenue to fill an $887 million budget gap. The leaders put off late night talks until Saturday morning with a goal of finalizing the deal then.

Bank seized by regulators

Regulators this afternoon seized the Carson River Community Bank, a $52 million-asset bank in Carson City, because of “inadequate capital and mounting loan losses.”

Reid says Bybee shouldn’t be punished in ‘torture memo’ case

WASHINGTON — Sen. Harry Reid does not believe Las Vegas federal judge Jay Bybee should be disbarred or disciplined for authoring “torture memos” as an attorney in the Bush administration, after a Justice Department internal review concluded the memos were flawed but not unethical, a Reid spokesman said today.

Twitter of Oz

Mining group will give $100 million towards shortfall

CARSON CITY — The Nevada Mining Association formally agreed Friday to provide $100 million in additional revenue to help reduce the state’s $887 million revenue shortfall.

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