Flood shuts down Lake Mead marina

Operators of a Lake Mead marina are vowing to rebuild after the worst flash flood in at least 30 years hit Callville Bay, causing more than $1 million in damage and all but wiping out the boat rental business there.

Tea Party of Nevada head ditches Ashjian, backs Angle

The head of the Tea Party of Nevada on Tuesday endorsed Republican Sharron Angle and ditched his candidate for U.S. Senate, saying Scott Ashjian violated his trust by secretly taping a meeting between the candidates to discuss the third-party foe dropping out.

Dear Santa: Neiman Marcus has a few gift ideas

Looking to splurge this holiday season? Luxury retailer Neiman Marcus unveiled its annual Christmas Book on Tuesday, with gifts including a $15,000 edible gingerbread playhouse and a $125,000 private party organized by celebrity event planner Colin Cowie. The catalog is known for expensive and often outrageous items. A $250,000 houseboat for two, perhaps?

Stewart lampoons Sanchez

Jon Stewart gleefully struck back Monday night at former CNN host Rick Sanchez, who was fired after calling the comedian a bigot.
On “The Daily Show,” Stewart said that after taping last Thursday’s edition, he heard Sanchez interviewed on a radio program. “I think Jon Stewart’s a bigot,” Sanchez was heard declaring in the taped replay. “Omigod!” Stewart glowed. “Rick Sanchez knows my name!”

Eating chips will get a lot less noisy

NEW YORK — Frito-Lay hopes to quiet complaints about its noisy SunChips bags by switching out the biodegradable bags for the old packaging on most flavors. The company is switching back to original packaging, which is made of a type of plastic, for five of the six varieties of the chips.