Past medical testing on humans revealed

ATLANTA — Shocking as it may seem, U.S. government doctors once thought it was fine to experiment on disabled people and prison inmates. Such experiments included giving hepatitis to mental patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland, and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital.

Sheen says he wants a raise to return to show

NEW YORK — Charlie Sheen says he wants a raise to come back to the CBS show “Two and a Half Men.” The troubled star appeared on dueling morning show interviews Monday to continue an attack on CBS and producers of his hit sitcom for shutting down the show because of his off-set behavior.

Oscars go young and hip, with traditional results

LOS ANGELES — These were supposed to be the younger, hipper Academy Awards, the ones that shook up the ceremony’s conventions with popular, great-looking emcees in actors James Franco and Anne Hathaway, who were unlike the middle-aged comedians of years past. But the results couldn’t have been more traditional, with “The King’s Speech” – a prestigious, impeccably made historical film that cries out “Oscar” with every fiber in its being – winning best picture.


Mal Van Valkenburg, Review-Journal, 56-43-3 (overall record)

Democrats could put tax increase issue on 2012 ballot

The Legislature’s Democratic majority could raise cash to spend on education, social services and other programs as early as Jan. 1, 2013, without support from any Republican lawmakers, the endorsement of Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval or a statewide signature drive.

Democrats plan another Obama push

In 2008, Barack Obama won Nevada by 12.5 percentage points, an unexpected margin of victory thanks largely to Hispanics and other minorities who strongly backed the nation’s first black president on his way to the White House.

Senator Cegavske takes conservative view to top of her party

State Sen. Barbara Cegavske grew up in liberal Minnesota, the daughter of a conservative Kirby vacuum cleaner business owner who emphasized to his six children how the best government was less government.
She got his message.

UMC clinic helps patch youngsters

A playground fall left 9-year-old Ismael More with a broken lower right leg. A new jump 14-year-old Kyle DeBray tried on his skateboard resulted in a badly torn left ankle ligament.

More workers showing up on time

Whatever the reason, fewer employees nationwide are punching in late for work these days, a new study shows, and business owners say they’re seeing the same phenomenon locally.