Willis, Jasper reminisce as UNLV careers dwindle

Tre’Von Willis and Derrick Jasper became friends during their early teenage years. They were “inseparable,” Willis said, and made plans to play basketball together in college.

Rocker Neil released from jail

Rocker Vince Neil has been released from the Clark County Detention Center and placed under house arrest to serve out the rest of his sentence for driving under the influence.

Jury in toddler’s death to return Monday

A jury was sent home Friday evening after deliberating all day and not reaching a verdict in the trial of two parents charged with murder for leaving their 4-year-old disabled son in an SUV for at least 17 hours in June 2008.

Google tweaks search to punish ‘low-quality’ sites

NEW YORK — Google says it has tweaked the formulas steering its Internet search engine to take the rubbish out of its results. The overhaul is designed to lower the rankings of what Google deems “low-quality” sites. Sites that produce original content or information that Google considers valuable are supposed now to rank higher.

Details emerge about blundering suspects arrested in Rio robbery

From the bumbling gaffes displayed in Thursday’s robbery of the Rio, it’s clear — anything is possible when there’s money involved. The poorly thought-out plot was detailed in an arrest report for Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, 61, and Edward Land, 41, accused of being accomplices to the crime.

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