Money is issue, school officials in Clark and Washoe counties say

Clark County School District Associate Superintendent Joyce Haldeman said, “You can give us more money”
to legislators who questioned why schools can’t provide additional classes needed by credit-deficient students.

RJTV: State workers union rally and complete college smoking ban?

RJtv for Tuesday, February 22nd is online now at featuring video from a Monday union rally for state workers near downtown Las Vegas. You’ll learn about a complete smoking ban proposed for Nevada colleges and universities. And get an update on the two mob-related projects in Las Vegas. These stories and more, all just a click away at – and don’t forget our iPhone-friendly version at

Honduras law lets police be called on home smokers

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — The last refuge is vanishing for besieged smokers – at least in Honduras. A new law says family members can call in the police on people who smoke at home.

More US companies covering transgender surgery

SAN FRANCISCO — More and more large corporations, including Coca-Cola, Campbell Soup and Walt Disney, are covering surgery for transgender employees as part of their health plans. The trend follows a concerted push by transgender rights advocates to get employers and insurers to see sex reassignment the way the American Medical Association does – as a medically indicated rather than an optional procedure.