Republican officials offer reasons for low turnout in caucuses

Party officials and the presidential campaigns attributed low turnout in Saturday’s caucuses to misunderstandings, the lack of a major GOP publicity drive ahead of the meetings and the feeling among Republicans that the big winner Mitt Romney had it wrapped up with little real competition.

Brady’s wife puts blame on receivers

Supermodel Gisele Bundchen, wife of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, is making news for an apparent slam at the Patriots’ receivers. In an exchange with a pro-Giants heckler, Bundchen was quoted saying: “My husband cannot (expletive) throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time,” following the Super Bowl on Sunday at Indianapolis.

Satire treated seriously on Louisiana rep’s Facebook page

NEW ORLEANS — It was a satirical story about an “$8 billion Abortionplex” opening in Kansas. But U.S. Rep. John Fleming, or someone on his staff, appeared to take it seriously in a Facebook post.

Iowa woman accused of blackmailing TLC show

An Iowa woman is charged with extortion in an alleged plot to get Discovery Communications Inc. to cancel the TLC show “19 Kids and Counting” or pay her $10,000 in exchange for not revealing compromising photos of a cast member.

Apologies from NFL, NBC after M.I.A. flips bird

British hip-hop artist M.I.A.’s obscene gesture in the Super Bowl halftime show is prompting apologies from NBC and the NFL.

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